Monday, May 17, 2010

Thought of the Day

In regards to dealing with a rebellious or unrully pre-teen or teenager....

I was listening to a radio talk the other day and when I heard this statement, it was like, "Oh, that's good, maybe I should try this"

"The person your child is now, is NOT the adult they will grow up to be. Instead of being anxious over their actions, embrace them for who they are and show them what the unconditional love of Christ is."

Hmmm...I tend to spend so much time agonizing over the decisions and choices that one of our kids make, that I forget to just enjoy her, to appreciate her, to PRAY FOR HER, and to do something that tells her that I love her. You know what I found out when I tried it? When a child sees that a parent is pleased with them and listens to their feelings, they actually make better choices and have better attitudes without even knowing it!

"Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it." Proverbs 22:6

Moms, have faith, and when you pray, pray BELIEVING God is in complete control!


  1. Hey Mel, Welcome aboard :). So glad you are here journaling and keeping us up to date. You say you don't have parenting "figured out". You don't have to, it's the journey with a friend who is in the same boat that makes it a journey worth traveling through and remembering.

    Love your post. It is SO true. So often we forget that they will grow out of this phase... or in other terms "this, too, shall pass", that we forget to look at them and nurture the person they are TRYING to become.

    Say for instance, I should not get mad because Bear is "destructive" I should nurture the mechanic, carpenter, builder within him that is seeing how things come apart and go back together.

    I am by NO MEANS saying to reward them for bad behavior but look at what it is they are communicating through their behavior... and look for a positive. I did and gave the boys some "tear up" magazines and tape :). They LOVE it and they don't destroy their toys now. They have been given an alternative route to "destruction". :)

    You are a great mommy!

  2. That's a great idea Bri! Now if only we can train ourselves to "look for the positive" before we get mad! My kids would surely appreciate that lol! BUT in all seriousness, you have an excellent point. Kids are just trying to communicate with us what their needs are in the only ways they can figure out.
